Diagnostic and Imaging Services at Allegheny Equine Veterinary Service

High Definition Digital X Ray
We are equipped with a Cuattro Slate high-definition digital x-ray system. This diagnostic tool allows us to acquire superior images and instantly review them stall side throughout our service area. Patients will benefit from faster diagnosis and the ability to more quickly pursue the appropriate treatment. This machine includes software available for evaluating hoof angles, sole depth, and other measurements to aid in therapeutic shoeing. Images can be easily copied for client records and instantly uploaded for review by a specialist when needed. Digital copies of x-rays are provided via an email link or a custom USB drive.

Ultrasound offers a unique view of internal structures, blood supply and organ integrity. Our hospital is equipped with three seperate ultrasound machines for in-house and on-farm use.


Reproductive Exams – Including pregnancy diagnosis, evaluation of the uterus, ovarian tumors in mares, and testicular evaluation in stallions


Lameness Exams – Ultrasound offers additional information on tendon damage and lesion progression.


Colic – Ultrasound allows us to evaluate intestinal thickness and is becoming increasingly useful in determining surgical or medical colics.


Ophthalmic (Eye) Exams – Ultrasound is helpful in evaluating the back the eye including the lens and retina.

Video Endoscopy
Our custom 3 meter video endoscopy unit can be used for visualizing the upper airway, intestinal tract, urinary tract and uterus. This diagnostic is helpful to evaluate structures and collect samples for diagnosis. This an essential tool for diagnosing gastric ulcers and is sometimes utilized for colic exams.  
On-Site Laboratory Services

Our practice features a state-of-the-art hematology and blood chemistry lab that includes equine fibrinogen analysis. Immediate access to results allows us to initiate treatment without delay. Our in-house lab is equipped to process Complete Blood Counts and Serum Chemistry analysis on horses, cows, goats, sheep, pigs and llamas.


Additional testing:

  • Stall side Serum Amyloid A
  • Quantitative & Qualitative Fecal Exam
  • Fecal Egg Reduction Counts
  • Cytology
  • Stall-side Neonatal Foal IgG Testing
  • Complete Urinalysis with Sediment Exam
  • Uterine Culture


Referral Laboratory Testing – Specific testing is carefully referred to the most appropriate university, federal, state, or private lab on an individual basis, as determined by doctors, for the most valuable and accurate test results.


USDA Accreditation

Our veterinarians are accredited by the USDA and are therefore able to provide Coggin’s testing, health certificates, and Canadian export for horses. Brucellosis vaccination, testing, and certification are available for ruminant herds. Tuberculosis testing and accreditation of ruminant herds are also available.


Digital Coggin’s Testing

Our Coggin’s tests include a professional, clearly typed form with digital photos to identify your horse. Test results can be expedited for a fee. Results are generally available in 72 hours. Official paper copies are provided to trainers, barn managers, and owners unless otherwise noted. Digital copies can also be provided.

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We look forward to assisting you with all of your veterinary healthcare needs. Book an appointment today!

Please note that you do not have an appointment until we have contacted you to confirm the date and time of your appointment.

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